The J J Wymer Archive

Lorraine Mepham, 2008. How to cite using this DOI

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Lorraine Mepham (2008) The J J Wymer Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Lorraine Mepham unless otherwise stated

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Lorraine Mepham (2008) The J J Wymer Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Taplow, Buckinghamshire, 22/11/1959
With D H Arabian. Site of Higgs and Hills new gravel pit in the Taplow terrace visited. This is North of the 'Station Pit' and large mechanical grabs render the sections untidy.
No brickearth overlies the gravel here, unless a little has been removed with the top soil, bull-dozed and piled into a mound on the far N side of the site. Gravel is sandier in its lower levels and well-bedded. Lenticles of sand and manganese staining occur. Excavation is not below about ten feet., (sketch plan of site location) (drawing)

Henley: Highlands, Oxfordshire
With D H Arabian

The first cutting has been made in the field SW of the previous workings. The gravel is much cleaner and better-bedded here with a seam of red sand about 12" thick above some 6ft of very sandy gravel. The top 4ft is more clayey and merges upwards into trail and humus.

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