The J J Wymer Archive

Lorraine Mepham, 2008. How to cite using this DOI

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Lorraine Mepham (2008) The J J Wymer Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Lorraine Mepham (2008) The J J Wymer Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Page information

Swanscombe, Kent, 30/1/1954
Artefact no 1637 , Mint well-flaked, small (3¾") hand axe. Unstained. In current bedded sand just above sandy gravel. 4' 6" above (estimated) lower loam.
Artefact no 1638 , Small hand-axe (2¾") fashioned from flake of marbled-flint. Ochreous staining. Lying flat in the heavily stained layer about 5' 6" above lower-loam, in association with many flakes and a few bone fragments.
(C2) cont. Flakes extremely prolific at junction, three actually found together, two touching, one an inch away. None conjoinable.
(D) Current-bedded sand almost stoneless.
(E) Red staining at base of excavation. Skull layer?
About 2½ yards of undisturbed deposits examined. Seventy flakes found in situ!

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