The J J Wymer Archive

Lorraine Mepham, 2008. How to cite using this DOI

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Lorraine Mepham (2008) The J J Wymer Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Lorraine Mepham (2008) The J J Wymer Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Page information

Harkstead, Suffolk
Artefact no 4401 , Flake-blade with small well-faceted butt. Fd. by B Pettitt. Dark grey-black unpatinated or stained. Slightly rolled, possibly by recent tidal movement. Fd. by Phil Harding. (drawing) (photograph)
Artefact no 4402 , Primary flake. Mottled yellow staining on reverse. Slightly rolled.
Both flakes at or near TM 187337.
Corbicula seen in the brickearth cliff a little further up river. An R B mortarium rim sherd on beach.
Two flakes from gravel exposed at Harkstead at low tide level.

Hilborough, Norfolk, 20/10/1996
Artefact no 4403 , Patinated blade found on sandy spoil of rabbit burrow on the breck at Hilborough at TL 825992.
20 October 1996.

various (TERPS), Essex, 2/9/1996
2 - 6 September 1996 (TERPS)

Colchester find: spots and White Colne, the Witham area and southwards to the Crouch, Chelmer and Brain valleys: Last day in the Lower Stour at Brandtham and the beach and cliff sections at Harkstead and Stutton. This is also the last day of our visits to sites for the English Rivers Palaeolithic Survey.

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